Meet our superstar team!

An energetic, friendly team of smart and passionate email marketers.

Luna Mishka

Team Therapist

Roxana Shershin


Kevin Moran


AJ Fontanilla

Sr. Designer

Caroline Surrett

Account Executive

Caitlyn Miller

Director, Strategic Growth

Kimmy Coburn

Sr. Copywriter

Brea Geddes

Jr. Project Manager

Brittany Hurley

Account Director

Drew Berman

Sr. Account Executive

Darcie Berry

Solutions Architect

Claire Cadena

Sr. Training

Katie Story

Analytics Manager

Jaime Weinsier

Sr. Group Account Director

Jennie Woolley

Sr. Director of
Strategic Growth

Nik Gatzendorfer

Sr. Solutions Architect

LaShanay Slaven

Project Manager

Lisa Schrepfer

Associate Creative Director

Tim Allen

Solutions Consulting Director

Paul Lemke

Lead Developer, Email

Spencer Broome

Analytics Director

Zach Lang

Sr. Director

Dalton Sapp

Project Management Director

Mark Griffioen

Development Director

Melissa Mercer

Account Executive

Tyler Deihl

Sr. Operations

Thrisa Powells

People Operations Director

Louie Valdovinos

Agile Project Manager

Kristen Mullican

Account Supervisor

Maddie Jackson

Account Coordinator

Derek Escribano

Account Coordinator

Danielle Bennett

Account Executive

Jessica Ingram

Jr. Project Manager

Willow Martin

Operations Specialist

John DeLorenzo

Developer, Email

Alena Buiko

Developer, Email

John DeLorenzo

Developer, Email

Alissa Bajracharya

Operations Specialist

Jaishree Sharma

Jr. Solutions Architect

Crystal Rainone

Developer, Email

Jocelyn Esguerra

Jr. Project Manager

Sarah Kennedy

Solutions Analyst

Want to find out what Digital Additive can do for you?

Ready to explore the finer points of your email program or discuss what makes open rates soar? Drop us a line and let’s start a conversation.


Ready to explore the finer points of your email program?

Drop us a line and let’s start a conversation