Salesforce Marketing Cloud Audits

Are You Making the Most of your SFMC Investment?
Unlock the Power of the SFMC Platform With a Comprehensive Audit

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is an undeniably robust and powerful platform that empowers you to automate and personalized your marketing campaigns at scale. But with so many features and options, it can be difficult to know where to start or how to make sure you’re using SFMC to its full potential.

That’s where we come in.

At Digital Additive, we specialize in helping companies like yours strategize, implement, and leverage the power SFMC to meet your marketing goals. We work exclusively within the SFMC platform, giving us the focus and expertise needed to understand your team’s unique needs and goals. You can count on Digital Additive to:

Evaluate & Assess

We leave no stone unturned when it comes to performing a 360° evaluation of your platform usage, program performance, workflows, deployment setups, data opportunities, communication strategy, and more.

Maximize Your Investment

We stay on the cutting edge of SFMC best practices and the latest features to ensure you’re getting the most impact possible from the platform. We’ll work with you to identify areas of opportunity, evaluate the possibilities presented by Journey Builder, help shift your data into the SFMC platform if needed, and realign IPs to protect deliverability.

Optimize Your Programs

With a comprehensive view of your existing assets, your company’s goals, and your customer expectations, we leverage our expert insights to fine-tune your campaigns, boost engagement, maximize ROI and all around enhance your programs.

Provide Additional Recommendations

A genuine approach to our work is one of Digital Additive’s core values, and your audit is no exception. We combine our experience and strategic thinking to offer you recommendations tailored to your team’s needs and capabilities that also reflect your business priorities and brand values.

Identify Wins with a SFMC Audit

Whether you’ve been using the SFMC platform for years or have just started using the platform, a comprehensive audit can help you:

Recognize Areas for Improvement

We bring our SFMC expertise to bear for you. We will review your SFMC account and identify areas where you can improve your setup, configuration, and campaigns.

Save Time and Money

By identifying and fixing inefficiencies in your SFMC account, you can save time and money on your marketing campaigns.

Get More out of SFMC

You can count on us to help you learn about the latest SFMC features and best practices so that you can get the most out of your investment.

Count on Digital Additive’s Expertise

At Digital Additive, Salesforce Marketing Cloud is the backbone of everything we do, so we know it inside and out. That’s why you can have peace of mind in our expertise as we work with you to develop a comprehensive plan that integrates all of your marketing goals and communication channels.

With 35+ Salesforce certifications and countless years of combined experience on the platform, we have the know-how to help your company achieve its specific marketing goals. Plus, we go out of our way to stay up-to-date on the latest features and best practices to keep your brand ahead of the curve.

Want to discover ways you could be getting more from your SFMC investment?

We’d love to take a look under the hood.

Want to find out what Digital Additive can do for you?

Ready to explore the finer points of your email program or discuss what makes open rates soar? Drop us a line and let’s start a conversation.


Ready to explore the finer points of your email program?

Drop us a line and let’s start a conversation