Journey Builder

Journeys Make Personalized Multichannel Communication Seamless

Making your customer feel seen and valued through personalized experiences across multiple channels is no small feat. That’s where Digital Additive comes in, leveraging our expertise in Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder to take your customer engagement to the next level.

Journey Builder lets you optimize your marketing, reaching identified segments with targeted, relevant, multi-touch messaging. Plus, with thoughtful strategy and the deft use of automations, you can actually save time and energy while creating a more effective, multi-channel experience for your customers.

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What Sets Journey Builder Apart?

Journey Builder is a powerful tool: create personalized experiences across all channels based on real-time events. Plus, track and measure the results with ease. Journey Builder lets you harness the power of:  


With Journey Builder, we can create highly personalized experiences for your customers, ensuring that your messaging is relevant and timely.


We streamline your marketing efforts by automating tasks, from sending emails to nurturing leads, saving you time and increasing efficiency.

Multi-Channel Engagement

Reach your customers where they are. Whether it’s email, SMS, social media, or other channels, we can design journeys that span multiple touchpoints.

Data-Driven Insights

Journey Builder provides valuable insights into customer behavior, helping us fine-tune your journeys for maximum impact.

Our Expertise Offers You Peace of Mind

As an agency focused solely on the suite of Salesforce Marketing Cloud tools, we know the tremendous impact a well-planned journey can have on your customers, their experience, and your ROI. Plus, you can rely on us to be with you — iterating, refining, and improving — every step of the way. Our capabilities you can confidently count on include:  

Strategy Development

We work closely with you to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals. Our strategy incorporates customer personas, buyer journeys, and touchpoint analysis to create a solid foundation.

Journey Planning and Mapping

Our team excels at designing customer journeys that are both engaging and conversion-driven. We create detailed journey maps that outline every step of the customer’s interaction with your brand.

Content Creation and Personalization

Content is king, and we ensure that every piece of content within your customer journeys is tailored to resonate with your target audience. From email campaigns to dynamic website content, we’ve got it covered.

Automation and Integration

We leverage the power of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder to automate your marketing efforts. Integration with your CRM system ensures seamless data flow, allowing for real-time updates and personalization.

A/B Testing and Optimization

Continuous improvement is at the core of our approach. We conduct A/B testing to refine your journeys and ensure that they are delivering the best possible results.

Reporting and Analytics

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. We provide in-depth reporting and analytics to track the performance of your customer journeys and make data-driven decisions.

Here for You, from Strategy to Automation

Customer journeys are the opposite of a one-size-fits-all solution. They require knowing your customers in a meaningful way and strategizing thoughtful solutions that meets them where they are. And we can help, even saving you time and effort in the long run. Get a sneak peek at the outline of our approach:  

Understand Your Customers

We start by getting to know your customers’ needs, goals, and pain points. This helps us to create journeys that are relevant and engaging.

Map Your Customer Journey

Once we understand your customers, we create a journey map that outlines the different touchpoints they’ll have with your brand. This helps us to identify opportunities to personalize their experience.

Build Personalized Journeys

We use Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder to create personalized journeys for each customer segment. These journeys are based on customer behavior and preferences.

Trigger Journeys Based on Real-Time Events

We can trigger journeys based on real-time events, such as website visits, abandoned shopping carts, or purchase history. This allows us to deliver timely and relevant messages to customers.

Automate Your Marketing

We can automate your marketing tasks, such as sending email notifications, sending push notifications, or displaying targeted ads. This frees up your time so you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Ready to take your customer engagement to the next level using the power of SFMC Journey Builder?

Together, we can create exceptional experiences for your customers that lead to lasting relationships and increased ROI.

Want to find out what Digital Additive can do for you?

Ready to explore the finer points of your email program or discuss what makes open rates soar? Drop us a line and let’s start a conversation.


Ready to explore the finer points of your email program?

Drop us a line and let’s start a conversation